Thursday, September 30, 2010

Step Two

Today I set up a little table outside of the Pennington Quality Market (PQM) to gather needed supplies for  the orphanage in Africa.  I was at PQM for 2  hours from 11:00 - 1:00. By the end of my 2 hours at PQM I had a the bottom of a small shipping box covered with donated items.  I also had a total donation of $15 to buy items with.  I am sooo thankful to the customers at PQM for helping me out with collecting things for this great cause.  This has made me even more excited about going on this adventure.  

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Step One

Today I set off for my long journey to go to Tanzania, Africa.  The first order of business  was to go to the Passport Health to receive my first round of shots.  While I was there I received four shots, two on each arm.  The shots that I received were for Hepatitis A, Polio, Thphoid, and Yellow Fever.  During this appointment we were advised on some items to think about getting.  We were told about a Malaria Protection Kit and about a SteriPEN.
The SteriPEN is a neat contraption.  This product is a handheld water purifier that provides complete protection against the illness causing waterborne travel pathogens.  This neat product destroys over 99.9% of viruses, bacteria, and protozoa.  

This is the website for where I am going.  It describes everything.